Dabbling With Pizza Deep Pan Base
Free From All 14 Main Allergens
29th of March 2019
My Gammie’s is following a pattern…. Many of its new products are born out of requests from its customers. Usually they are requests for a special event like a child’s birthday.
Our bagel was born out of a birthday request. Here comes our latest addition to the family of bread – the deep pan, full-flavoured 10 inch free from all 14 allergens pizza base – ordered for a birthday by one of our faithful customers. What is fascinating is that this birth was done by none other but Shafiq who took to chef’s gloves, hat and apron as a necessity to cover for My Gammie’s bread baker Marie-Anne who was gallivanting in sunny Mauritius. Well she was not so much there for a holiday, and more to spread awareness of food allergies and intolerances in her homeland… however that is another story…
Going back to the pizza – it is a major hit at our Farmers’ Markets at Swiss Cottage, Parliament Hill and Notting Hill.
Says the customer who is at the source of this new product “The cakes and pizzas were a great success. Thank you so much!”
We are only doing one size at the moment though we have already had requests for other sizes. The pizza is sold as part baked and bare to allow our customers to add their favourite toppings and then bake for a hot and succulent free from all 14 allergens pizza experience.
The pizza base is sold at £3.40 for a single pack and will be available on our website for purchase from next week.